Wide World of Comics - Blacksad

This week I read the first issue of Blacksad. I didn’t expect to like it much, but it was good. I’m always up for a good detective story, I might read more when I have more time in the summer. My only issue with it was the whole using sexy pin-up girls for the lead female characters. It was especially weird with everyone being animals, but the female counterparts may as well be human. If I didn’t read that Blacksad was a foreign comic first published in France I would have thought it was an American comic. It’s the same format and the art style isn’t much different from American comics. It's also set in the US even. 

The other graphic novel we discussed reading was Persolpis. I only read a little of the graphic novel, but I watched the animated movie. I think the fact that Persepolis has reached such a large audience is great.  I appreciate learning about the Iranian Revolution from someone who experienced it. Persepolis also stands as a work that may squash some false perceptions people may have about Iran. American’s tend to look at it as an evil country, but coming from an Iranian citizen like Satrapi, the Western world can understand that people are not their governments. 


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